Almost every creative I’ve talked with has raised the question about the application of AI to “art”! If you’re the author of a book, should AI be used to replicate style? If you are a musician, should AI be used to create music tracks or other compositions? I even got a question from an audience member about the new Beatles song that used AI. After he asked the question, he said, “John Lennon would turn over in his grave if he knew AI used his voice to create new music.” That was interesting since Yoko Ono, Paul McCartney, and Ringo all thought John would have embraced the idea. But such is the state of entertainment and AI today.


In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping landscapes across various sectors, its transformative impact on the entertainment industry and the concept of fame is profound and multifaceted. As AI technology advances, it’s not just the mundane jobs that are being revolutionized; the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and the music industry are also under its spell. This evolution raises critical questions about the future of fame, the role of AI in entertainment, and the implications for artists and audiences alike.

The AI Influence on Stardom

The integration of AI in entertainment is not a novel phenomenon but a continuation of technological evolution that has historically influenced the fame landscape. From the spread of reading in the 18th century, which first made it possible to achieve widespread fame, to the advent of film, radio, and television, each technological leap has reshaped the concept of stardom. However, AI brings a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

  1. Enhanced Omnipresence of Stars: AI technology, such as AI-powered dubbing and digital editing, enables stars to reach a broader audience by overcoming language barriers and scheduling conflicts. This omnipresence extends the reach and influence of celebrities, potentially elevating their status to new heights.
  2. Revolutionizing Content Creation: AI’s ability to generate content and its application in digital Botox or posthumous performances (as seen with Disney’s acquisition of James Earl Jones’ voice rights for Darth Vader) creates new avenues for content creation. This could lead to a surge in AI-assisted or AI-created entertainment, changing how content is produced and consumed.
  3. Impact on Mid-Level Artists: While top-tier celebrities might benefit from the expansive reach provided by AI, mid-ranking artists could face challenges. The entertainment industry is witnessing a pattern where the biggest hits and top artists garner more attention and revenue, potentially marginalizing those in the middle tiers.
  4. Legal and Ethical Considerations: The rise of AI in entertainment brings forth significant copyright and ethical issues. The balance between leveraging AI for creative purposes and protecting the rights of creators is a delicate one that needs careful navigation.

Audience Engagement in the AI Era

The influence of AI on audiences is twofold. On one hand, AI can lead to an oversaturation of content from a few omnipresent stars, risking audience boredom with repetitive or uninspired content. On the other hand, AI can also enrich the entertainment landscape by creating more personalized and niche content, catering to diverse audience preferences.

The Human Element in AI-Driven Fame

Despite the advancements in AI, the human element remains irreplaceable in entertainment. AI cannot fully replicate human artists’ unique creativity, emotion, and spontaneity. This human touch is crucial in maintaining the vibrancy and appeal of the entertainment industry.


As we navigate the AI revolution in entertainment, it’s essential to balance leveraging AI’s potential and preserving the human essence at the heart of art and entertainment. The future of fame in the AI era is not just about technological prowess but also about understanding and valuing the human spirit that drives creativity and connection.


For further insights and discussions on the intersection of ethics, AI, and the future of entertainment, feel free to reach out and explore opportunities for speaking engagements or consultations. Your thoughts and perspectives on this evolving landscape are invaluable.