The monotonous beat of a clock. The ebbing tide of time. Change is as inexorable and unrelenting as this. Yet, it’s no surprise that many of us feel a churning feeling of AI anxiety when the hands of that clock seem to spin too fast, ushering in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at a rate most find mystifying.

When did you first hear of ChatGPT – late 2022 or the first half of 2023?  The opening to the use of generative AI is much like 1994 when Netscape provided us mere mortals access to the internet.  The only difference – AI and it’s application is happening at a faster pace.


AI Anxiety: The terrifying feeling that has arisen due to the rapid development of AI.


We have arrived at a future that was previously only discussed in the halls of academia or depicted in science fiction films. The reactions have included wonder, eagerness, and some fear, which is to be expected. A recent survey by Calm reveals that many Americans are optimistic and worried about AI.


How, then, to make sense of one’s feelings in this age of artificial intelligence? Some ideas to mull over are provided below.


Accept The Unknown


We humans are generally a very cozy bunch. Adapt? Not really. Instead of fighting AI, embrace the ambiguity it presents. Accept the shift as it is, think about it, and discuss it with others. Always remember that AI is merely the most recent chapter in a book in which change has always played a significant role.


Think Like a Human


Despite the progress of AI, it will never be able to feel emotions on par with humans. So, permit yourself to feel, explore your feelings fully, learn from them, and express them freely. When we learn to recognize and process our emotions, we get the fortitude and insight to succeed in an AI-dominated future.


Learn to Recognize Your Catastrophizing Thoughts


Cinematic doom and gloom is entertaining, but it has no place in dictating how we live. Confronting AI doomsday scenarios with evidence and living in the now and now can help. We have overcome similarly disruptive technologies in the past and can do so again.


Embrace The Finesse


Both life and AI have shades of gray. You’ll find more moderate, nuanced perspectives in the space between the dystopian “Westworld” and the warning remarks of people like Elon Musk. The use of AI does not have to be all or nothing. Let’s embrace the complexities of progress by looking for the middle ground.


Accept All That Is Human


The threat of being automated out of a job is quite real. Remember that AI is just a tool, like the early autos that inspired equal parts wonder and terror. We’ll learn to live in harmony with AI, just as we did with automobiles.


Even as technological progress accelerates, it’s important to remember the human capacity for strength, flexibility, and resilience. We made AI designed to supplement our skills, not replace them. Let us chart these uncharted seas together, armed with technology on one side and our indomitable human spirit on the other.


Feel free to get in touch if you’re interested in learning more about this or have any other queries. The conversation around artificial intelligence has just begun, and every perspective will be vital as we move forward.