Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the contours of our daily lives, and a groundbreaking initiative has emerged on the global stage. The UNESCO Business Council for the Ethics of AI, a pioneering collaborative effort, was officially launched at the Ministerial and High Authorities Summit on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This historic event in Santiago de Chile marks a significant milestone in the journey towards responsible and ethical AI development.
The Council, a brainchild of UNESCO in partnership with leading companies in Latin America, stands as a testament to the growing recognition of the need for ethical guidelines in the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Co-chaired by tech giants Microsoft and Telefónica, the Council aims to serve as a dynamic platform for exchanging ideas, experiences, and best practices. It’s a bold step forward in ensuring that AI development aligns with humanity’s core values, safeguarding all rights and dignity.

At the heart of this initiative is a commitment to harness AI’s transformative power while navigating the complex ethical terrain it presents. The Council’s inauguration is not just a ceremonial event; it’s a clarion call for a collective, proactive approach to steer AI towards a future that benefits all of humanity. It’s about putting people at the center and ensuring that AI is a tool for progress, inclusivity, and social good.

Insightful contributions from its co-chairs marked the Council’s launch. Amanda Craig Deckard of Microsoft emphasized the importance of building on UNESCO’s efforts to foster global momentum on ethical AI. Meanwhile, Trinidad Jiménez of Telefónica highlighted the critical need to define the rights and obligations in this new AI-driven world, underscoring the importance of placing human rights at the forefront of AI development.

This initiative is more than just a forum for discussion; it’s a proactive step toward implementing UNESCO’s recommendations on ethical AI. The Council will leverage tools like the Ethical Impact Assessment, fine-tuning them to fit the unique challenges and opportunities AI presents. Furthermore, it promises to provide valuable insights into the economics and finance of AI, contributing to a deeper understanding of AI’s impact in the region.

Looking ahead, the UNESCO Global AI Forum in Slovenia, scheduled for February 2024, is set to be the next significant milestone for the Council. This event will undoubtedly further the conversation on ethical AI, bringing diverse perspectives and experiences together to shape a future where AI is a force for good.

Launching the UNESCO Business Council for the Ethics of AI is a meaningful step in the right direction. It represents a collective commitment to ensuring that AI development is guided by ethical principles, focusing on human rights and social welfare. As we navigate the complexities of this AI-driven era, initiatives like this are crucial in shaping a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around.

Interested in exploring how ethical AI can transform your organization or event? Reach out to discuss the future of AI and ethics and discover how these advancements can be harnessed for the greater good.