A Leader’s Guide to Ethical Generative AI

A Leader’s Guide to Ethical Generative AI

Recently interviewed on Fordify Live - Ford Saeks and I went on a journey talking about AI and how "ethics" plays a role in AI's application in business. We talked about several concepts and those leading the way with generative AI. Conferences are being held...

AI in Business and Industry

AI Tools and Technologies

Accenture and AWS Join Forces to Promote Responsible AI Adoption

In a significant step towards fostering the responsible adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), Accenture and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have expanded their strategic collaboration with the launch of the **Accenture Responsible AI Platform**. This initiative aims to...

Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Home from Title Theft

Introduction: The Rising Threat of Home Title Theft Home title theft, often referred to as deed fraud, is a growing threat that can have catastrophic consequences for homeowners. With fraudsters becoming more sophisticated, understanding how to protect your home—one...

EvenFlow AI: Enhancing Convenience and Efficiency Through AI Integration

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, businesses across various sectors increasingly turn to AI-powered solutions to optimize their operations and enhance customer experience. One such innovative solution is EvenFlow AI, a platform designed to...

AI Ethics in Networking: Navigating the Ethical Frontier

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the integration of AI into networking technologies has become a focal point for innovation and efficiency. However, with these advancements come significant ethical challenges that must be addressed to...

Harnessing the Power of Generative AI to Revolutionize Learning and Development

Imagine you're leading a team tasked with rolling out a new corporate training program. The challenges are familiar: content needs to be engaging, relevant, and adaptable to various learning styles. Traditionally, this would require extensive manual effort, from...

What’s Right and Wrong with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized industries, transformed business operations, and reshaped our daily lives. As we stand on the brink of even more incredible advancements, evaluating the benefits and pitfalls of this powerful technology is inspiring. One...

Cracking the Code: How Academic Institutions are Embracing AI in Education

When Bryant University made the strategic decision to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into its curriculum, it was a proactive step to equip students for a future dominated by AI. This move is part of a larger trend in higher education, where AI is being...

The AI Revolution: The Incredible Opportunity for Manufacturers in the New Digital World

Imagine a manufacturing plant where machines predict maintenance needs before breakdowns occur, production lines adjust in real time to optimize efficiency, and supply chains seamlessly coordinate globally. This isn't a futuristic dream—it's an emerging reality thanks...

AI’s Revolutionary Impact on Healthcare: Transforming Population Health

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a futuristic concept but a transformative force currently revolutionizing various sectors, including healthcare. As population health management becomes increasingly complex, AI offers innovative solutions that promise to...

You Think AI Will Take Your Job? Welcome to the Future!

As an AI speaker and author, I presented at a national conference last week and was asked - "Will AI take my job?" My response: Only if you choose not to learn and apply the new tools in this new frontier!" Remember when transitioning from horse-drawn carriages to...

AI and the Future of Work

AI Ethics in Networking: Navigating the Ethical Frontier

AI Ethics in Networking: Navigating the Ethical Frontier

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the integration of AI into networking technologies has become a focal point for innovation and efficiency. However, with these advancements come significant ethical challenges that must be addressed to...

AI Applications and Use Cases

AI Ethics and Governance
